Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

We have had a busy busy weekend.

Saturday we got up and went to The Disney Store because I promised Randi some Mermaid PJ's Friday night. When we got done there we went home so Randi could nap, but she had different plans. After listening to her cry/play in her room for over an hour we decided to go ahead and meet my parents for dinner. After dinner we went home and went to bed.

This morning Jamie and Randi let me sleep until 8am. YAY! When I finally got up we all got dresses and headed to take Randi's 2 year pictures. I will go ahead and tell you know that Randi does not do well with getting her pictures taken anymore. You would think she would get the hint by now that mama is a photographer and will be taking her picture everyday of her life. HA!

After Randi's pictures we went home and while Randi took her nap, dada had to leave to go to work for a few days. Now ya'll know that I love it when Jamie has to work, but I am beyond behind with editing pictures and now I have to clean the house, wash clothes and pack the entire family for our Disney trip on Wednesday. YAY ME!!!

Well, I am off to start working on my chores, but I wanted to share a sneak peak of Randi's 2 year pictures. I promise that I will try and finish her birthday pictures soon...

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