Here is how our day went!
6:10-Mama and Dada wake me up to change my diaper and put me in the car without me waking up…but I had other plans!
6:36-Loaded in the car and pulled out the driveway. They thought I would go back to sleep since it was dark and I was still half asleep. WRONG!!!
7:15-I finally began to throw a fit because I was hungry! I ate about a dozen animal cookies in the previous 39 minutes, but I want real food now!
7:23-We pull into McDonald’s in Blythewood! Time for some pancakes, but once I got them I decided I wanted more animal cookies.
7:48-Back on the road!
8:15-Had to meet Grandma in Columbia to pick up some rainboots and also a new diaper! They look cute, but I would prefer not having to wear them at Disney World, because that would mean it was raining and that wouldn’t be fun! Can’t wait to wear them when I get home though!
8:38-Back on the road!
9:08-Had to top off the gas tank!
9:58-I stunk the car up! Time for a new diaper!
10:06-Back on the road! Thank goodness, because Walterboro seems like a scary place!
10:42-Time for another diaper change! Bathroom break for Mama and Dada and I ate some fruit snacks!
11:04-Back on the road! Been in the car for a little over 4 and a half hours and still not out of South Carolina…only 8 miles to go until Georgia!
11:10-Welcome to Georgia!
11:40-This state sucks…I decided to take a nap!

12:39-Welcome to Florida!
12:41-Dada pulls into the Florida visitor center…and takes off running for the building!
12:52-Back on the road! Almost 6 and half hours in the car so if mapquest is correct just about 2 more hours to go right?!?! WRONG!!!
1:27-YUMMY!!! I need a new diaper and it’s time for lunch at Cracker Barrel in Jacksonville!
2:29-Done with lunch on the road again!
3:40-Made it to Deland, time for a potty break for the parents and I need another diaper! I think the cashier at the gas station we stopped at may have been in “Deliverance”! Check out the sign in the bathroom! Mama said, “Oh Shit!” and so did I! Dada went “ohhhh” and so did I!

4:00-Back on the road! We got to be getting close!
4:27-Traffic in Orlando! SUCKS
4:43-I’m tired of being in this car! Time to throw a fit and I am not stopping until we get there!
5:08-Tired of crying…good thing because after 10 hours and 32 minutes in the car we finally made it! Time for another diaper change!
6:45-After playing in the hotel room, we got all cleaned up and went to Downtown Disney and ate dinner at Rainforest Café!
9:45-Time for bed…I got a big day tomorrow!
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