Well I went on my first trip to the beach and had a blast! It was the most fun I have had in my entire life....minus the long car ride there! Here are a few pics of my first day at the beach.
One of our many stops along the way was in Zebulon, NC...we ate at a good little BBQ place called Smithfield's where I got a balloon!

Oops...I let go of my balloon!

When we FINALLY got there....we put all of our stuff in our room and hit the beach!

WOW...look at the ocean!

Look at all that sand and water!

Come on people let me down so I can play!

Hmmm...what is this trying to get me?

Let's go for a walk mommy!

Here comes that stuff again!

I love the sand, but I want the water!

I'm gonna get that water!

Yes! I crawled all the way from where the bucket is to here....

and kept crawling!

I got some sand on my feet...

and hands!

Check back later...I will post more I got to go take a nap now!
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