Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The perfect shade of the perfect color...

Ahhh...time to paint Baby Girl's room and try to have it ready for her arrival in August. But, what color shall we use. Well it is a girl's room so I guess it has to be pink. Now, what shade do we go with? Is it the bubbly, Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum pink?
Or the pretty, pastel Pepto Bismol shade?
What a tough decision! With the room originally being gold...first I had the oh-so-fun task of priming the walls. Kind of seems like a waste of time painting it one color then turning right around and painting it another, but no telling how many coats it saved me with the pink paint.
I was very well supervised during this process. He didn't pay attention to long before he got bored and just went to sleep. We did finally get around to painting the wall pink. We went with both; the pepto bismol and the bazooka bubble gum pink.

So we got the paint, and now it's time to do the hard work. Good thing my wife knows how to paint. I think she has done a great job. Since she is pregnant I did let her take a break every couple of hours, just so she didn't overdo it and get tired out to quickly. Find out how well the room turns out by checking in later this month. I have to go back in there and make sure she finishes the second coat tonight.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

23 Weeks

Sorry it’s been a while since my last update, but Jamie and I have been preparing the house for baby girl’s arrival. I know it seems like we have all the time in the world, but we will be out of town all but three weekends (only get two of those together) between now and July 20th. Starting July 20th I will not be able to travel away from my doctor’s office unless its an emergency.

Anyway, I had a doctor’s appointment on the 14th and everything is going good. Here is a picture of me from last night. I swear I usually don’t look this bad, but after working all day and then going shopping I was tired.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our Registry Adventure

Easter weekend we went to babies r us to register. Registering was so overwhelming, fun and frustrating at the same time. As you can see from the picture to the right, Jamie registered for anything and everything he could point and shoot. By the time we turned the gun in we had registered for over 150 items.

I spent the next week researching what we really needed and what we really didn't. It turned out that we were registering for all the wrong things. Now after two week of researching and countless hours in babies r us our registry is complete.

On another note, here is a new picture of me. I am 20 weeks 4 days in this picture.